With a slight beep I woke up all ready to start a brand new day of watching the school. As I rotated around I saw a few girls that were whispering to each other walk past. I rotated arround to see what they could be whispering about. I zoomed in with my lens on a girl walking past. I then knew that she was the one they were whispering about.
As the bell rang I saw kids rushing out of their classes with food in their hands. I rotated around and saw one of the girls that we're whispering this morning, push the girl they were whispering about off the playground. I then saw her heeding to the sick bay with her hand over her nose. I felt really bad for her. :(
As the bell rang for lunch, I saw kids running out from their class rooms with lunch-boxes. I noticed the girl from this morning go and sit down on a bench all alone. I then zoomed in on one of the other girls from this morning, and I saw her pick up a ball and throw it at the girl sitting on the bench.
I then saw the girl pick up the ball and throw it back at the other girls. They then went away out of my vision. Once they came back they had brought a duty teacher over. I saw them talking about something but I don't know what because it was to nosey to hear anything.
Once the bell had rung for home time, I saw kids and their pearnts walk past. I then saw the girl that got picked on, go and sit on the bench bellow me and get out her cellphone. I zoomed in and saw that she had a message from the girls that picked on her. I looked up and saw the other girls laugh, point and stick out their tougngs at her. It must be horable to get picked on. :(